Cirebon, located on West Java, is known as Wali (Evangelists in Catholic term) City, and was one of Islamic civilization centre in Indonesia. From this city, Islam was proselytized in Western Java. Also in this city, there had been an Islamic dynasty led by one of Wali Sanga, Syarif Hidayatullah, also known as Sunan Gunung Jati. Because of his meritorious service, Cirebon became one of Islamic dynasties playing an important role in proselytizing Islam.
Other meritorious service done by Sunan Gunung Jati
was building Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque in 1480s. Located in Keraton Kasepuhan Town Square, this mosque has different architecture from other mosques. This mosque has no dome. Instead of dome, it has a roof which is like roof of Hindi temple. One of the reasons why he built it like that was to harmonize local culture and Islamic culture, so that local culture still could be maintained and people could live harmoniously, even though in diverse religions.
Culture harmonization is not only happened between local culture and Islamic culture, but also among Sundanese, Javanese, Sumatran, Indian, Persian, Syrian, and
Chinese cultures. It can be seen by looki
ng at traditional Cirebonese art, for example Cirebonese masks. Masks which are worn by Cirebonese mask dancer and those worn by Peking Opera actors are alike. Another example is acculturation between Sundanese and Javanese language. That is why Cirebonese people can talk in both Sundanese and Javanese language. Acculturation among many cultures makes Cirebonese people have imaginative agility in playing various cultural powers from outside Cirebon. This imaginative agility then implicates into local color of Cirebonese culture.
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