Friday, April 18, 2008

Futsal (task2)

futsal like as football. called futsal came from football and sala in spanyol or portugal.there is two team in one match, one ball,two goals,the field and referee.but it's played indoor,althought that also can be played outdoor but for the formal match is indoor playing.the field also not too wide,only about 40x25 one team there are about 5 players included one goal get a score, the team must put the ball into a goal belong to another team but not by foot or another bodypart except hand.

the diference between football and futsal is that the futsal is simple.if the football played in 2x45 minutes plus extra time if the score yet shows the winner in several important match, the futsal just need 2x20 minutes.also in futsal, substituting player is no limit.the rule of substituting player like basket ball.the player can out and in for the second playing in one match.Not for football,if the player substituted by other player,he may not play for the second time in the match.and other diference that make futsal more interesting than football.

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