Monday, March 17, 2008


Wushu is a full contact sport derived from some Chine Martial Arts. A good wushu practitioner can be called a goof kung fu practitioner because wushu was derived from kung fu. Nowdays wushu is known as a modern sport and has taken part in many international sport events. Modern Wushu consists of two disciplines, Taolu and Sanda. Taolu is similar to gymnastics and involves martial art patterns and maneuvers. Wushu practitioner are told to do a specific maneuver which is an aggregate of some basic movements (stances, kicks, punches, balances, jumps, sweeps and throws) of the Chinese martial art style. On the other hand, Sanda, or some might call Sanshaou, is a modern fighting method influenced by traditional Chinese boxing and Chinese wrestling methods. The word most famous wushu practitioner is Jet Li. Beside his remarkable career as an actor, he was an original member of Beijing Wushu Team. He also took National Wushu Champion of China title five times. At this present time,the number of people who practice wushu increase. This fact shows that Wushu is globally known by people around the world.

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