Thursday, April 10, 2008

Television's Power

In this era, electronic devices is closer with our community, especially television. Television has now been our daily schedule that we can’t forget about. People usually never pass their day without watching television. But, does this habitual activity good? Or can bring destruction in social life?

In fact, there are many opinions about television effects, not only the good one, but also the bad one. In my opinion, I disagree to this statement, “television is dangerous because its destroy family life and any sense of community.” As human, we always consider one problem from the bad side and make a lot of criticism. Why don’t we think and see something from the good side and about the advantages? If we see further, television has been made a lot of changes and growth in our social life. From television, we can know a lot about the world, about what’s going on in our society. There are so many information that is very useful for us. We can know about news that is sometimes very important for us. From television, we know about the people that is popular and can inspire humanity. Television can also make unity in one family. At night, a lot of people usually watching programmes in television with their other family’s member and they can discuss anything about that. For children, television can also be one of the media to play and learn about. The parents can have topic to interact and communicate with their children too. For other relationship things, people can bring films or any television programmes into discussion or just chat about that.

Actually, television can make our world become one big family without we relize. Sometimes, we can know a lot about other people without they know about us. That’s one of the information’s power. But, we must remember, if we just receive anything without thinking first, we will stuck and never grow. So, everything, not only television, always have the bad side too. One thing that we must do is become careful and smart person. Well, in the end, it will back to ourselves again, how we see and face problem will determine the success of our life. We must see smart problem with smart thinking.

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